Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Just in case you were wondering...

RM mentioned in a comment on a prior post that I was looking radiant when I was at the concert at her church last weekend.

The truth is that it has nothing to do with seminary.

It's the vast quantities of silver hair shining under the lights now that I've stopped dyeing it.

Aw, shucks! It's no fun basking in the reflected glory of your own gray hair.


  1. I stopped dyeing too. I started going silver at age 25. I don't mind the color but the texture is bizarre.

  2. Anonymous10:51 PM

    So true! :) Nice blog.
    Hello from Montreal, Canada...my name is Wren.
    I have a discussion forum here...
    Please know that you are very welcome to register and participate at any time.
    Have a great day!

  3. I really want to go gray, but I let it grow out about an inch+ and we put my hair in such a way that I could only see the gray. I looked horrible... and I see so many that look so good.

  4. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Mibi -
    Teri -- "Clever Title Here"-- is preaching at our church this Sunday. Want to get together with some RevGalBlogPals?

  5. so very tempting, Jan, but I have to go visit a field ed site, then pick up a Bishop at Dulles for convocation. Bummed - I[d rather be with my revgalpals.

  6. It's SILVER hair, not grey.

    Silver is beautiful.

  7. Anonymous1:15 PM

    I'm greying too and embracing it :)
