Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Happy Birthday, Princess Granddaughter

It's hard to believe you're four, but here comes that birthday on Friday and you're a big girl princess!

You've given me such wonderful gifts:

  • seeing the next generation and all the hope for the future it contains
  • seeing your dad all grown up and watching him be such a wonderful daddy
  • seeing the love that binds your mommy and daddy and you
  • watching you go through all the phases and changes I never got to enjoy with my own children - I was too worried about it all - as a mommy
  • giving unconditional love and getting it right back
  • your smile and your endless curiosity.

I just wish we were a little closer to each other so I could enjoy your company more often. Virtual hugs and kisses and a gift in the mail from

Your GrandMary.

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