Saturday, May 20, 2006

Welcome to Whine & Cheese: We No Longer Own Our Home or Our Time...

...the realtors do.

PH went bike riding at 8 am, knowing that we have a prospective buyer coming in at 11. Now another is coming at noon. Hopefully, PH will be able to squeeze in a shower between 11:30 and 12...otherwise, he'll be sitting at Starbucks drinking coffee in his smelly biking clothes for an extra hour. Pray we get an offer this weekend.

I have swept the walk and the patio of leaves and pollen and such, vacuumed the house, cleaned the cat box, washed up the kitchen, stowed yesterday's laundry in the washer, put away the placemats. In other words, my house shows no signs of life whatsoever.

And (boo-hiss) icon writing was concelled for today. I was supposed to pick up my varnished John the Baptist, and gild the background of St. Peter. Ah, well...

And the only word I can think of for the Friday Five was "execrable", which is the way this process of house selling feels right now.

Okay, I'll stop whining now.

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