Monday, April 17, 2006

Easter Moments

The sunrise at our 6 a.m. service, and singing "How Great Thou Art" unaccompanied, plus a wonderful solo anthem "That Easter Morn" in our outdoor chapel, with masses of spring flowers around the stone altar. The cross behind the altar, made of driftwood, and about 6 feet high, is suspended by wires from the trees. The sun rises behind it.

Choir Easter breakfast between the 9 am and 11 am services - gotta keep our strength up!

Getting to sing "I Know That My Redeemer Liveth" at the big 11 a.m. Our church has the best acoustics for musicians south of Carnegie Hall.

Father Samuel from Kenya leading us in the Nicene Creed in his deep, rich, rolling basso voice.

Easter Dinner at K & P's house, with our dear friends L & N. N is well on the way to recovery from the crippling depression that I have written about before. Sometimes our personal resurrections are almost as dramatic as the Big One.

Packing away winter clothes in the basement, knowing the next time they're unpacked, we'll be in a new home and I'll be in seminary.

Phone conversation with stepson#2, father of the birthday boy, Cowboy, with news that the revised due date for Cowboy's impending baby brother Blake is Tuesday, April 25th.

Phone conversations with StoneMason and Litigator, who are happy, well-adjusted, working, and loving life (a contrast from some times in their past).

Tulips and daffodils on the dining room table.

Hugs from StrongOpinions, who seems to be weathering the departure of Semi-Useless Boyfriend pretty well.

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