Monday, February 27, 2006


Well, the cabaret was a great success - we raised over $14,000 for mission trips to the Rosebud Sioux in S Dak, and to the Gulf Coast for rebuilding. I didn't trip over my feet in the dance numbers, our rendition of "A Little Priest" was a rousing success, and PH's solo (he who never sung until I started dragging him with me to choir eight years ago) was lovely.

Yesterday, the vestry voted in favor of acceptance of the recommendation of the Parish Discernment Committee that they commend me to the COM for the interviews. I didn't doubt that it would happen, but being a worrywart, I feared a hiccup or two. They will fax the letter of commendation and the PDC report to the Bishop's office today.

I am STILL waiting on the letters (two of them) from my COM represesentative. One should have been done after our first meeting almost a year ago, my rector should have responded, and there should be another from our meeting several weeks ago. Shame on me for not following up with her after the first meeting to ask the whereabouts of the letter, but now the deadline is Tuesday and I'm stressing in a major way. I called the bishop's office on Friday to verify they hadn't received them yet, and asked the bishop's wonderful assistant if she would call the COM rep to ask where the letters were. I called the COM rep's church this morning and got voice mail for everyone, which must mean they're all in a meeting or at Starbuck's or something (yes, that's catty, but it's Monday, and I'm stressed out). Realistically, I don't think they'll keep me out of the interviews if the letters are a day or two late, but this is the last hurdle, and I'm slightly freaked out by her inattention to what she committed to do. Trying to just take deep breaths...

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