Thursday, February 23, 2006

Please pray...

for dear friend N who has been battling a crippling deep depression for several months. N has just been taken to the hospital, having taken an overdose of pills. We hope N was found in time. PH saw the ambulance when he was coming home from work (N lives around the corner) and is now taking our assistant rector over to the hospital. I think it's going to be a long night for us all.

Dear Lord, sometimes the darkness falls like a curtain and weighs so heavily upon us. Help us to know that there is light, and it is found in You. Help us to know that healing is possible, with Your help. Hold N in Your loving arms, and N's family, who have tried so hard to help their loved one. Teach us the words to say, the tasks to do, the prayers to pray, to help this family, and N's whole community. This we pray in your name. Amen.