Wednesday, February 22, 2006

1000 things do until we can sell our house. I spent today going back and forth between the computer doing "work" work, and painting the trim in my home office room. StrongOpinions is supposed to be doing the painting work and says she wants to do the painting work to earn money, but always has something else to do when she could be painting. So I guess I will tackle the downstairs hallway next.

At some point I need to start tossing things. Please kick me in the derriere and get me moving on this. I have also decided to sell my grand piano, since moving it is such a bear, and just get a little keyboard to keep me happy until I can settle into a real home again. Grieving a bit about that. It was my first major purchase after my divorce, and it was something of a staement of independence and self-reliance. Ah, well, I don't need such statements any more, do I?

(Your cue to say, "Mibi, snap out of that kind of self-pitying nonsense.")

PH and I spent the weekend at Big Old Seminary nearby, at a conference for prospective students. A wildly diverse group, ranging in age from 23 to 70. The students did a variety show which was quite fun, including three of the largest men in the class in tutus dancing to Swan Lake, several musical numbers of varying quality, and a "Community Norms Enforcer" skit which teased one of the quirkier Old Testament profs and the Dean, who took it with remarkable grace. My brain is full of ideas for classes that I want to take, planning to get two biblical languages done when i'm only really required to take one, and what kind of housing will work best for us, and will accomodate all our stuff (even after tossing the truly extraneous). There are some off-campus townhouses that aren't bad. PH and I had dinner with the Dean of Admissions and her husband - delightful evening. I'm only slightly terrified by the overwhelming change that this will mean for us.

Vestry votes on my recommendation on Sunday afternoon. I think it will go smoothly, but I'm still praying. The vestry needs to fax the commendation with the report by next Tuesday. Nothing like getting it done just under the wire. The Lord is laughing at me trying to "manage" this process...

We're doing a Mardi Gras on Saturday night at church to raise money for our two mission trips (one back to the Gulf, and one to the Rosebud Sioux reservation in South Dakota). Dinner, silent auction, and a cabaret. I'm singing "A Little Priest", a mordant ditty from "Sweeney Todd, the Demon Barber of Fleet Street." The little priest in question has been baked into a meat pie. Should definitely raise a few eyebrows. Hopefully my blasphemy won't affect the vestry vote.

Off to choir practice.

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