Thursday, December 08, 2005

Looking Ahead

Today will be a lo-o-o-o-ng day. I have to finish up a casserole for PH to bring to his staff meeting (chicken tagine with preserved lemons and olives over couscous). I have a string of meetings running nonstop from 9:45 am to & PM. Then at least I get to have fun: PH will have brought home our lovely Christmas tree and wreath from our church Christmas greens sale, so we can set it up. I think I'll wait until Sunday to decorate it. The rest of the house is done, including the 200 Sants who have taken up residence in the living room. Oh, and somewhere in there, I should probably cook some dinner for us, don't you think?

Tomorrow I fly to Chicago (in the midst of an anticipated snowstorm) to rendevous with StrongOpinions, who's been in Cheesehead land visiting Useless Boyfriend. She'll drive to Chicago and we'll stay over at my in-laws', then drive home (11 hours drive) on Saturday. Please pray for traveling mercies. I hate driving in bad weather, and I think the snowstorms will have passed ahead of us, but if not, I'll be a basket case. I'll be looking forward to seeing StrongOpinions, who has been away for a couple of weeks, and see her reaction to her freshly painted and redecorated room.

Sunday I'll be busy with church (subbing for another chalicist, singing with the choir), then I promised I'd stop by a friend's open house, then dinner, then off to lead our Emmaus Bible study group. We're starting the section on Jubilee. I'm enjoying doing this. We should get home by 9:30, after which we finally get to decorate the tree.

And I just found out I'm directing the choir the following Sunday for our Lessons and Carols service. Just another week in the life.


  1. HI Mibi,

    The chaos you mention in this post is strikingly familiar... :-)

    Thanks for asking how I'm feeling on the comments over at my site.

    Um, the bad news is my doctor (after 3 visits to ask WHY AM I STILL COUGHING MY BRAINS OUT?) thinks I have whooping cough. Yuck. This means misery for something like the next month. I'm also hoping I haven't given it to, oh, about half the world. :-(

    The good news is that when I'm not coughing I'm FINE (just tired) so I don't have to stay home or anything, just try to get a lot of rest.

  2. Good Lawd! You are busy.
    Thanks for the word "chalististist"
    new one for me.
