Friday, December 23, 2005

Christmas Is Coming...

The goose is getting fat (or maybe it's just me).

We're leaving this afternoon for Chicago for a few days of Swedish Christmas with PH's family. Julotta, smorgasbord, pepparkakor, sil, all the usual goodies. No diet this week. I'll bring the (frozen) Buche de Noel, which will stay frozen until we get there, I hope. We'll see what the security screeners do with it. I put the gingerbread dough in the checked luggage - looks too much like some sort of plastique, I fear.

I just got my nails painted BRIGHT red in celebration. Is there anything quite as much fun for a woman of a certain age at Christmastime as a bright red manicure?

Peace and blessings as you celebrate our Savior's birth. See you Sunday night.

1 comment:

  1. You are TOO young to be using "of a certain age" in connection with yourself. We all look great in bright red nail polish...
    Merry Christmas! Looking forward to our e-friendship in 2006!
