Friday, November 18, 2005

RevGal Friday Five- Kiddie Lit edition

1) Earliest book you remember (read to you or by you)
A Children's Garden of Verses. I still have this book down in my basement, in rather sad condition.

2) Picture Book you would like to climb into
Maurice Sendak's Where the Wild Things Are (particularly when the bedroom becomes the jungle), or from when my children were little the "Carl" series featuring a very loving Rottweiler. I adore the pictures and the kids enjoyed making up words for the stories.

3) Favorite series of books (then or now)
Harry Potter now, Nancy Drew then.

4) Character you would most like to meet
Kristin Lavransdattar (yes, I was a book nerd in my youth - heck, I'm still one).

5) Last childhood book you re-read (for yourself or to someone)
C.S. Lewis' The Screwtape Letters (actually a teen book, but a real favorite).