Sunday, November 06, 2005

Carrie Newcomer Concert

Reverend Mother (and R) and I (and my pal L) went to the Carrie Newcomer concert last night. Twas wonderful, wonderful, wonderful! Such a funny, warm, thoughtful artist. We were mumbling and humming along (does that mean we were humbling?) with the songs from prior CDs, and loving the new material. To ReverendMother's delight, the final song was "The Yes of Yes."

I heartily recommend her to those of you who are not yet her fans.


  1. A fine time was had by all. An immediate post-concert trip to the bathroom meant I didn't get to give L a proper goodbye--tell her I enjoyed meeting her.

    R *made* me introduce myself to Carrie afterwards--I've been talking to "her people" about having her come give a workshop/concert at our church--and I felt like an idiot. I've talked to her before and every time I am starstruck. I'm sure she would be bemused, I mean, she's a *folk* singer!

  2. Which album would you recommend to a Carrie Newcomer newbie?

  3. Betty's Diner is her greatest hits album and includes three previously unreleased songs; that would give you a good overview. Betty's is her latest album, with the exception of Regulars and Refugees, which actually is a series of songs from the points of view of people in Betty's Diner. A neat concept and gorgeous songwriting/storytelling.

  4. Envious.

    That is all.

  5. Thanks for the suggestion about the Carrie album.
    I want to meet both of you sometime. Maybe at the Deep South RevGalBlogPals Conference?

  6. Yup, wouldn't that be grand? Maybe at a spa? Like a RevGal pajama party? I guess I am reaching my second childhood!

  7. Oh, wow! Watch how fast I go!
