Monday, August 29, 2005

Clerical Shirts - a mini-rant

I had a long conversation with our wonderful associate rector, another midlife career-changer priest. Topic? The awful clerical shirts available to women priests. So here's my question: why no darts? The good Lord gave us bosoms (of all shapes and sizes) but Almy et al insist that we are chestless wonders. For those of us who are (ahem!) well-endowed, we have to buy a size from Omar the TentMaker. The positive note is that the clerical shirt makers now offer them in somewhat better colors (even pink) but they are essentially shapeless blocky things, all in polyester.

So here's my plan: I'll find one that fits reasonably well, then take it with me to Qatar when PH and I go there in November. I'll bring some nice fabric lengths with me (oxford cloth, good broadcloth, etc.) and have the tailor in the souq make me several shirts that FIT. He can model it on the one I bring, but tailor it a teensy bit so it looks like a girl shirt. And I understand these will cost me about $15 apiece, instead of the $45-80 that the good ones cost here. I'm going to do the same for our assistant...could be a new cottage industry.

(BTW, what would we all do if there weren't sales at Talbot's? And if there weren't Marshall's and TJ Maxx? Heaven forfend if we had to pay RETAIL! My mom, who had a black belt in power-shopping, would spin in her grave.)

Between that, toenail polish, and my bright shoes, I may scandalize the congregation, but I'll feel good!


  1. Contrariwise, visit the website for womenspirit, a business that makes robes,etc. for clergywomen, including clergy shirts. I don't have to wear them, so I can't testify about them, just have a robe from them that I like a lot and a petite length stole that works well.

  2. Thanks! I will check it out. Particularly attractive is the thought that they have articles in petite sizes.

  3. Another shirt rant? Try finding a maternity clergy shirt -- for a reasonable price, let alone any sense of fashion.

  4. The WomenSpirit site that Songbird told us of does have maternity shirts. Attractive? Reasonable price? You ask too much...

  5. It's easy for me to recommend things I don't actually wear, isn't it?

  6. Yeah, I guess I do ask too much... I ended up having mine custom made, but should have probably ordered the one from womenspirit. In another life...
